
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Blog Update

Our blog is coming along nicely!
We have almost hit our 1000 hit quota! In fact. (As of when I posted this) we only need 20 more hits! Then we will have to have some sort of celebration!
We have some coo-lee-o updates coming up soon so subscribe and stay tuned!

Hey look, Rumplederpskin!
Me and my friend John took turns drawing this, and decided that it needed to be shared with the world.

Aaaand we added a Gmail subscribe button to the right, so you can subscribe easily with your Gmail-Google account.

And also, a tip for the people who have been reading BulfenRoben before this post. For everybody else, don't worry about it.
Press Ctrl + F5 to refresh your cookies and see our new little logo thingy next to your address bar.